Today, before nap time, I was reading my daughter the classic story " Frog and Toad Are Friends."Frog was feeling sick and Toad was asked to read him a story or make up a story while he was resting. Toad was stuck with writers block! He banged his head against a wall, stood on his head paced back and forth on the porch and still, no story for Frog. Frog was like "Have you come up with a story yet?" The answer was no and Toad at that point was so exhausted he asked Frog to get out of bed a tell HIM a story and so he did; he told him the story of all the energy it took him to come up with a non story which then became a story. I feel that this, in fact, proves without a shadow of a doubt, that there is no such thing as writers block my friends!
Writers and artists always have something to say every single day and we are in fact known to be healthier than non-writers--did you know that is a fact? Expression of any form is a release, whatever art you are creating, you are releasing healthy energies out of your body, like you do when you are working out as well. The brain craves the stimulation and the release of everything you are holding onto, so you must have healthy outlets.
My tips for today for all artists and writers are the following: TAKE MY TEN DAY CHALLENGE!
1-If you are not creating your art, step outside of the location you are currently in and go outside under a tree, in take a camera into the forest, make a picnic, go on a nature hike or walk, observe a sunrise or a sunset.
My point--change your scenery location! If you write in the kitchen and it is not working, try something new today.
2-Network with other artists in your genre today.
Make it a point to meet someone new in your field every single day for inspiration and connect with them regularly.
3-Get involved in groups
If you are not in at least FIVE different networking groups, start today folks. Networking is key for any business. Choose your network and circle of friends wisely, because in the end, you are who you hang out with, correct?
4-Step outside your comfort zone today and have some fun with you art and/or writing.
5-Blog, twitter, google, facebook, branchout, groups, radio shows, chatrooms--these are mandatory for all artists. Get yourself a bit more involved today--I dare you to and come back and email me at or post on my blog and let me know the results and your findings.
Have a productive day today!
Meg Collins
Author/Radio Host/Editor/Ghostwriter