Welcome to Diary of a Starfish by Meg Collins
"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." - Albert Einstein
Logic-What is logic in writing and publishing? Logic is using your gut and your intuition.
Be logical by making a daily list of things you need to do every single day:
Hi! How are you? I am back and I have been busy with so many projects and deadlines. My sincere apologies. I am working on 4 script specs, 2 novels, on my 30th children's book and I am a poet as well. I am a starfish in the writing seas of life and am always educating myself on the best ways to manage my time, as in being a writer, the laundry piles up, the sink gets filled, and then all of a sudden, there is a writing idea and you grab whatever you can, a plate, a napkin, or if you are really smart, a notebook is already in every corner of your home. I have fifty notebooks in my home and pens in every single drawer as well. I am always writing. I write every single day, no matter what and there is NO such thing as writers block; writers ALWAYS have something to say, and guess what? Writers are known to be healthier than non-writers so get busy and write today :)
Here is a list of time management ideas to re-structure your time, because YOUR time is valuable!!! With that being said, be logical about your time spent in every single day, prioritize YOUR schedule, turn off your phone, and focus on the tasks at hand in your day. Be logical and make a list :)
Here are some time management tips for you:
I received this list from a dear friend. Nancy went to a time management workshop and sent me this huge list on time management tips and I have put it to practice in my life daily.
To Do Lists:
*Make a written To Do list daily. Have only one list. Update the list at the same time
every day.
*Put a 1,2 or 3 (or A,B,C) next to the three most important items on your daily To Do
*Don’t fill up an entire day with activities. Leave uncommitted time for interruptions or
unexpected work to be done.
*Keep your To Do list in sight while you are working.
* Do your top priority work in your “Prime Times” Prime internal time is when you work
your best. Prime external time is when you aren’t interrupted.
* Use “tired” time for tasks that require little thinking.
* Use “cracks” of time to start overwhelming jobs.
* Learn to say NO.
* Ask yourself, “What is the best use of my time right now.”